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About Me

Hello, I am a recent graduate from California State University-Monterey Bay (CSUMB), and this is a website containing most of my major work done during my studies as well as some personal projects. Currently, I live in Salinas, CA, and am looking to become a full-stack software engineer. The languages I am most comfortable with are C++ and JavaScript (Express, React).

Before I decided to start studying Computer Science, I had always been intrested in how technology was designed and created. This was futher developed when in high school I had engineering as an elective and had my first experience with coding where I programmed a small car to move in various directions. Unfortunately, I did not stay in the same school and in my new school there was no engineering elective. It wasnt until I got into college where I decided that I was going to major in Computer Science and begin my journey to being a Software Engineer.
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